Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dream 2/17/2009

crazy dreams last night. The one I remember most vividly:
I was driving our new red car. I was driving to this park, a tiny park by my friend Anna
Millard's house. I was in the passenger's seat and the car was driving itself. I somehow ended up at some softball fields. My brother and Cheeseman were there. I agreed to drive them back home. But the car was hard to drive, it wouldn't brake, and I was lost. I could see the Nashville skyline in the background but it looked very far away. We finally stopped at Cheeseman's house so my brother could take a shower. There was a huge kitched and platters of hamburgers in orange bun and rice covered in tinfoil everywhere, even sitting in front of the fire place. Everything was orange and fake wood. Cheeseman mom's came home and accused me of eating a pan of rice, even though I'm pretty sure it was a dog.

In a previous part of the dream:
I had to take J.P. to a drawing class at Watking. Claire Syler and a few other people I knew were there but I didn't want anyone to see me. I met Haley and we had coffee in the little cafe, and she was telling me that my brother had left class to go camping with Evan Blackwell and John Bacon.

. . . and that's about all i remember folks.
i woke up feeling stressed.
i hate being lost.

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