Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our eyes run over the surface of things. all they require are a few scattered points since they can bridge the gap in a flash. They "half-see" much more than they see, and they never weigh. . . . They are satisfied with appearances, and for them the world glows and slides by, but lacks substance. . . .

But [objects] are alive, even the stones. What is more, they vibrate and tremble . . . Touching the tomatoes in the garden, and really touching them, touching the walls of the house, the materials of the curtains or the clod of the eath is surely seeing them as fully as eyes can see. But it is more than seeing them, it is turning in on them and allowing the current they hold to connect with one's own, like electricity. To put it differently, this means an end of living in front of things and a beginning of living with them . . . This is love.

-Jacques Lusseyram-

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