Saturday, March 14, 2009

my blog, it needs more color

my body, it needs more talents.

my brain, it needs more rest.

my muscles, they need more contractionreleasecontractionrelease.

my fingers, they need more dexterity.

my eyes, they need to be opened wider.

my soul, needs to stop hiding and come out and enjoy the life.


Music Snob said...


I just found your blog when I started exploring the whole "follow" application through Blogspot. I like your writing style, and the mix of art/poetry/music that you pull together.

Desiderata is an amazing poem. The line "You are a child of the universe..." is scrawled on a bathroom wall at my school, and I always find it bittersweet and ironic (or maybe just sadly perfect).

Thanks for the sidebar shout out!

caitlinowenkelly said...

the bathroom in FPH at Hampshire college, right? I went there last semester :) I took a picture of that very bathroom stall wall.