Wednesday, September 2, 2009

sept. 2nd: mihaly csikszentimihalyisetp

is my favorite.

I'm reading his book "Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention"

It makes me appreciate my talents.
And also wish I was a genius.

But I know I'm not, because I think that to be a genius you can't be aware of your own genius.

Basically, his book is about "how to find purpose and enjoyment in the chaos of existence."
How awesome of a thesis statement is that.

good words of sept. 2:
minstrel, profit, voyeur, segment, monastic, infinitude, spatiotemporal

good people to possibly marry:
sam phillips, david corlew

inspirational quote for sept. 2:
"Well, I think probably sex and songs. If I was asked to reduce it to what keeps me going, I think that the creative instinct is fed by sex and music. Without them I think that you would wither, pretty much."

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