Wednesday, December 10, 2008


1. i cannot stop watching arrested development. even though i find the third season a little outrageous, i just can't. stop. watching. ah. ha. ha. yes. even when things start out weird they always end up being hilarious.

2. the closer i get to leaving Hampshire, the more I'm afraid that I'm not making the right decision.

3. i am fascinated by the way people talk. let me interview you. and i'm discovering how easy it is to splice interviews and make them seem different than they are. I'd be a good member of the media.

4. this semester has made me rethink a lot of my previous perceptions. personal, intellectual, artistic. everything. i am very grateful.

5. my already short attention span is shortening.

6. my anti-depressants give me night sweats. which are probably one of the most miserable physical things i've ever experienced. you wake up sticky and shivering and damp. it's gross.

7. i think too much.

8. i have very low self-confidence which is often expressed in a very obnoxious way. i'm working on this.

9. i think people are generally nice, it just depends on your own mood if you perceive them as such.

10. i get very nervous talking to people i don't know, but i love it when people introduce themselves to me just because. it gives me faith in humanity.

11. i wish i were more verbally articulate.

12. i am constantly making lists (physical and mental ones) of ways to improve myself and make myself more interesting. it's almost compulsive. i feel like i have to know everything, have read every book, seen every film, know about every issue and each item i cross off my list is one more step towards perfection. which is of course bullshit but it's how my mind works.

13. i am slowly slowly slowly regaining confidence in my creative writing skills. it's fragile, and it has been shattered again a few times a long the way, but it's still there- a little whisper of talent.

14. i get jealous very easily but i never let anyone know. my jealousy stems from feelings of inadequacy and mediocrity.

15. my greatest fear is mediocrity.

16. i feel really good right now. it's amazing what a good discussions about the controversy over genetically modified crops can do for one's outlook.

17. i am going to finish this paper in 5. . .4 . . .3 . . .2. . . NOW!

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