Thursday, September 25, 2008

pity party

but i just can't shake this off.

shake it
like a
salt shaker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're right. you are great. and just because i know you're great, that means that i know you will grow through this. like a sprig of grass through asphalt. you're gonna grow up and change the world with those great breasts and brains. you're gonna leave 'em all behind.

and, if you are forced to go it alone, you will. the collective they that shares your thoughts and feelings and longings and visions will rally behind you, even if they take a while to tie their shoelaces and fall into formation.

i believe in you. now believe in yourself. by yourself.

p.s. girls who get serious boyfriends the very first semester of college are lame and they miss out on so much. you're young and beautiful. live it up.